08 September 2011

02 May 2011

A promise fulfilled

If you haven't watched this yet, do so now. If you have then watch it again:

29 April 2011

My first paid writing assignment!

although paid is sort of a strong word in this case....

Silverglate: FDA can slap device executives with felony counts
If you’re working on a medical device that’s new and unprecedented, you might be a prime target for government litigation, according to Harvey Silverglate, a Cambridge attorney who specializes in civil liberties litigation, criminal defense and student rights. 
Federal laws in regard to medical device safety, he argues, are sometimes so vague and complicated that it’s impossible to defend against an accusation of wrongdoing. Technologies and techniques that stray from the status quo are especially vulnerable because they are not well understood by the government officials and judges who ultimately decide how to treat them. 
A company accused by the FDA may face hefty fees or an involuntary recall, but Silverglate is more concerned about the people who get chewed up and spit out by the system.

“Life sciences and medical devices have become a minefield with regard to regulation and prosecution by the FDA,” Silverglate said. “It’s an extraordinarily dangerous environment that you can’t believe until they come knocking at your door.”

27 April 2011

My Satisfaction

Epic Battle of Mongoose and Stork!

Watch this video on mute:

While playing this as a soundtrack:

The song is longer, but it's still pretty awesome.  Also, the fact that I randomly discovered this today gives you some insight into my home life.